Spray Carnation
Introductions 2021
Spray Carnation introductions
We’re proud to present to you our Spray Carnation introductions for 2021.
On this page here you can find all the new varieties. Scroll down to know more about each variety.
New this season is the white spray carnation called Odara.
The pure white colour and top flowering makes this variety perfect
for a retail bouquet.
- Productivity: Medium
- Height of crop: Medium
- Speed of growth: Relative slow
- Resistance: Unknown
- Flower size: Medium
- Flower shape: Round petals
- Vase life: Medium

The other introduction is the intense hot pink spray carnation named Rufina
It maintains it colour very well, and has no fading.
- Productivity: Low
- Height of crop: Medium
- Speed of growth: Relative slow
- Resistance: Unknown
- Flower size: Small
- Flower shape: Slightly serrated
- Vase life: Medium

Promotional materials
We’ve created promotional materials to help you promote our spray carnation. Go to our download page to download High Resolution images, catalogue and more. In need of a more tailor-made solution? No problem! If you are a grower, exporter or retailer please feel free to contact us to discuss the promotional possibilities.